Markdown Table

Google markdown cheat sheet and it lead you to an outline for how to make a table.

Make Model Year Color Price
Ford Mustang 2022 Red $35,000
Toyota Camry 2022 Silver $25,00
Tesla Model S 2022 White $80,000
Cadillac Broughan 1969 Black $10,000
Ford F-350 1997 Green $15,000
Ford Excursion 2003 Green $25,000
Ford Ranger 2012 Red $8,000
Kuboto L3301 Tractor 2015 Orange $12,000
Ford Fusion Energi 2015 Green $15,000
Acura XL 2006 Grey $10,000
Ford F150 Lightning 2023 Grey $70,000

HTML Table

Google w3schools html table and it will lead you to a tutorial on how to make tables.

Explanation of code:

The %%html magic command in ​Jupyter Notebook allows rendering HTML content within a code cell.

The code starts with an h2 tag, which represents a heading level It displays the text “HTML Cell Output from Jupyter” as a heading.

The table tag defines a table in HTML. The class=”table” attribute adds a CSS class to the table for styling purposes.

The thead tag represents the table header section. It contains a single tr (table row) element with th (table header) elements inside. Each th represents a column name: “Make,” “Model,” “Year,” “Color,” and “Price.”

The tbody tag represents the table body section. It contains multiple tr elements, each representing a row of data.

Each tr tag contains several td (table data) elements that represent the cells in the table. The content within each td element corresponds to the data for a specific cell.

The table displays car information such as make, model, year, color, and price for each row.

The car information is represented as text within the td elements.

The code uses some common HTML tags like h2, table, thead, tbody, tr, and td to structure and represent the data in a tabular form.


<h2>HTML Cell Output from Jupyter</h2>

<!-- Body contains the contents of the Document -->
    <table class="table">
                <td>Model S</td>
                <td>L3301 Tractor</td>
                <td>Fusion Energi</td>
                <td>F150 Lightning</td>

HTML Cell Output from Jupyter

Make Model Year Color Price
Ford Mustang 2022 Red $35,000
Toyota Camry 2022 Silver $25,000
Tesla Model S 2022 White $80,000
Cadillac Broughan 1969 Black $10,000
Ford F-350 1997 Green $15,000
Ford Excursion 2003 Green $25,000
Ford Ranger 2012 Red $8,000
Kuboto L3301 Tractor 2015 Orange $12,000
Ford Fusion Energi 2015 Guard $25,000
Acura XL 2006 Grey $10,000
Ford F150 Lightning 2024 Guard $70,000

HTML Table in Markdown Cell with JavaScript jquery

JavaScript is a programming language that works with HTML data, CSS helps to style that data. In this example, we are using JavaScript and CSS that was developed by others (3rd party). Addithing the 3rd party code makes the table interactive.

  • Look at the href and src on lines inside of the lines in <head> tags. This is adding code to our page from others.
  • Observe the <script> tags at the bottom of the page. This is generating the interactive table, from the third party code, using the data <table id="demo"> from the <body>.
<!-- Head contains information to Support the Document -->
    <!-- load jQuery and DataTables output style and scripts -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src=""></script>
    <script>var define = null;</script>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src=""></script>

<!-- Body contains the contents of the Document -->
    <table id="xdemo" class="table">
                <td>Model S</td>
                <td>L3301 Tractor</td>
                <td>Fusion Energi</td>
                <td>F150 Lightning</td>

<!-- Script is used to embed executable code -->

Make Model Year Color Price
Ford Mustang 2022 Red $35,000
Toyota Camry 2022 Silver $25,000
Tesla Model S 2022 White $80,000
Cadillac Broughan 1969 Black $10,000
Ford F-350 1997 Green $15,000
Ford Excursion 2003 Green $25,000
Ford Ranger 2012 Red $8,000
Kuboto L3301 Tractor 2015 Orange $12,000
Ford Fusion Energi 2015 Guard $25,000
Acura XL 2006 Grey $10,000
Ford F150 Lightning 2024 Guard $70,000


This lesson teaches you about tables. In this hack, it is important that you analze the difference in the styles of output shown.

  • Make your own tables, with data according to your interests.
  • Describe a benefit of a markdown table.
  • Try to Style the HTML table using w3schools.
  • Describe the difference between HTML and JavaScript.
  • Describe a benefit of a table that uses JavaScript.