Questions I Missed

Question 5: How is Data Transfered on the Internet?

A. Data is broken into packets, which are all sent to the recipient in a specified order along the same path. B. Data is broken into packets, which can be sent along different paths. C. All data is transmitted in a single packet through a direct connection between the sender and the recipient. D. Multiple data files are bundled together in a packet and transmitted together.

What I Chose: A. Data is broken into packets, which are all sent to the recipient in a specified order along the same path.

I thought data had to be sent in a specific order through a specific path in order for the data to be reassembled correctly.

Correct Answer: B. Data is broken into packets, which can be sent along different paths.

When data is transferred over the Internet, it is broken down into smaller units called packets. Each packet contains a portion of the data being sent, along with information such as the destination address, source address, and sequencing information.

These packets are then sent across the network individually. They may take different paths to reach the destination, depending on factors such as network congestion, routing protocols, and network topology. This flexibility allows for efficient use of network resources and helps to ensure that data can still be delivered even if some network paths are congested or unavailable.

Once all the packets reach the destination, they are reassembled into the original data by the recipient’s device.

This method of data transfer, known as packet switching, is fundamental to how the Internet operates and enables efficient and robust communication across vast networks.

Question 14: Two computers are built by different manufacturers. One is running a Web server and the other is running a Web browser. Which of the following best describes the ability of the two computers to communicate with each other across the Internet?

A. The computers cannot communicate because different manufacturers use different communication protocols. B. The computers can communicate, but additional hardware is needed to convert data packets from one computer’s protocol to the other computer’s protocol. C. The computers can communicate directly only if the messages consist of text; other formats cannot be interpreted across computers. D. The computers can communicate directly because Internet communication uses standard protocols.

What I Chose: C. The computers can communicate directly only if the messages consist of text; other formats cannot be interpreted across computers.

I think I just made a silly error, as looking back the only plausible answer considering how many different comupter manufacturers there are is D.

Correct Answer: D. The computers can communicate directly because Internet communication uses standard protocols.

The Internet operates based on standardized communication protocols, such as TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). These protocols define how data is formatted, transmitted, routed, and received across networks. Manufacturers of computers and networking devices adhere to these standard protocols to ensure interoperability and seamless communication across different devices and platforms.

Regardless of the manufacturer of the computers or the specific applications running on them (in this case, a web server and a web browser), as long as they both adhere to the same Internet protocols, they can communicate with each other across the Internet.

Question 19: Which of the following best explains how a certificate authority is used in protecting data?

A. A certificate authority certifies the safety of a particular Web site so that users know that it does not contain any viruses. B. A certificate authority issues passwords that grant access to secure databases. C. A certificate authority maintains a secure database that maps all Web domain names to the IP addresses of the servers where the sites are hosted. D. A certificate authority verifies the authenticity of encryption keys used in secured communications.

What I Chose: A. A certificate authority certifies the safety of a particular Web site so that users know that it does not contain any viruses.

I thought that a certificate authority showed that the website was safe, meaning that it didn’t have any viruses and was secure.

Correct Answer: D. A certificate authority verifies the authenticity of encryption keys used in secured communications.

A certificate authority (CA) plays a crucial role in ensuring the security of data transmitted over the internet, particularly in scenarios like secure websites (HTTPS). When a website wants to establish a secure connection with a user’s browser, it needs to provide a digital certificate, which includes a public key used for encryption.

  1. Encryption Keys: Secure communication typically involves encryption, where data is encoded in such a way that only authorized parties can decode it. This encryption process requires the use of cryptographic keys.
  2. Digital Certificates: A digital certificate is essentially a digital document issued by a trusted third party, the certificate authority. This certificate contains information about the website (such as its domain name), the public key of the website owner, and the digital signature of the certificate authority.
  3. Verification: When a user’s browser connects to a secure website, it receives the website’s digital certificate. The browser then checks the certificate’s authenticity. It does this by verifying the digital signature of the certificate authority. If the signature is valid and the certificate has not expired or been revoked, the browser knows it can trust the public key contained within the certificate.
  4. Secure Communication: Once the browser has verified the certificate, it can use the website’s public key to encrypt data that only the website’s owner, possessing the corresponding private key, can decrypt. This ensures secure communication between the user’s browser and the website.