Struggles I've Faced While Coding

Weekly Struggles
Week Challenges
0 One of the hardest things to do was start. I had a very old Macbook at the time, around 8 years old, and I was not even sure if my Macbook could handle downloading all of the tools. So, I opted for Cloud Ubuntu just to be safe.
1 For this week, it was very chaotic and messy. We didn't have a teacher and we had a substitute teacher instead that didn't know how to code very well. I was also very confused most of the time because they would go way too fast. It was around this time though that I finally got my Cloud Ubuntu to start working and my friends helped me get started on my blog.
2 The peer reviews were starting to show up. We had by now done at least one peer review, but we also had a check up coming up as well as an even bigger peer review. My partner and I had already started to figure out how the python notebooks worked and posts as well. We started to get creative and create other things. But one thing we didn't realize was that python code did not work on the website. We spent a good amount of time trying to figure out how to get python code working on the website only to be disappointed.
3 One of the most challenging things this week was figuring out how to prepare for the peer review. the instructions were a little vauge, and we were trying to figure out what it meant by option 1 and option 2. With this, though, we turned to ChatGPT to help with some problems with coding. ChatGPT was super helpful, when it worked. We had a hard time accessing the website since it was very slow and there were way too many people using it at a time. The website could not accomodate, and it became congested.